While I have already made 7 blog posts (which if you haven't read yet, you should!), I feel like you can always learn new things about people! So, let's do this thang!
1. I am an extroverted introvert. I love people and I love to socialize, but at the end of the day I really just like to spend some time by myself. Reading, watching a movie, writing, etc.
2. I love taking pictures! If that isn't obvious! I like capturing moments and in my free time I will just look at the pictures on my phone to relive those moments over again. However, I enjoy living in the moment too. Snap a few pics and then put your phone away and take everything in and enjoy it while you can.
3. I am VERY emotional. It doesn't take much to make me cry! Happy moments or sad moments. I am just really sensitive and to be honest, I like that about myself. I'm not scared to talk about how I feel or to show how I feel and I think that is a good testament of just being alive and fully human. I mean sometimes it's a little ridiculous, but that's okay. I've just learned to accept it!
4. Writing has basically saved my life. If I'm at a point where my emotions get the best of me, I just try to write about it. Unfiltered, just everything I am feeling at that point in time. HOWEVER, I am human and make the mistake of letting my emotions get the best of me sometimes. Hey, I am not perfect and I will never pretend to be!
5. I am very trusting, sometimes, too trusting. I love people and love to form friendships with them. Speaking of which, if you need a friend I would love to be yours! However, I put my trust into people and sometimes, people take advantage of that and that's when I get hurt. My mindset is that what I give to others will be reciprocated and that is not always the case unfortunately.
6. I got held back in second grade! Which, I know I have already touched on, BUT some people still get confused on how Jamie and I are twins if we're not in the same year of college and whatnot.
7. I love FRIENDS! The tv show, just to clarify. I will literally watch it any time that I am upset because it makes me laugh no matter what mood I am in! My fav character is Chandler because come on, who else would it be?
8. While I do work in retail, my favorite thing to wear is leggings and an oversized sweatshirt/sweater OR an oversized tee and running shorts! I am all about putting outfits together and looking great, but in my down time I usually look like a potato HAHA!!
9. While I may have an addiction to coffee, I have been on a green tea kick lately! However, it'll usually have some light fruity flavor to it. I have been loving the Steaz brand!
10. I love my rings! And any rings in general! No this is also not any sort of hint at Matt (LOL!). I usually wear four rings at all times. Two on my left middle finger: my birth stone and just a heart one, both from Pandora (HUGE pandora fan). One on my right middle finger: it is a Jesus fish ring from the brand James Avery. And one on my right ring finger: that is a rose gold ring that form two hearts on the end which is also a Pandora ring that Matt got me for Valentines day last year! If you have any favorite jewelry brands or ring brands leave them in the comments because I am always looking for more pretty pieces!
11. I am addicted to sweatshirts and tee shirts. Literally, I don't think that you can have too many! I love buying them on road trips or on thrifted instagram pages or Goodwill!
12. I love the South. If I could ideally live anywhere it would be either Georgia or North Carolina. My nickname in high school was Georgia Peach actually! It was only due to the fact that if I were traveling anywhere it was usually Georgia! I haven't been back in a few years, but my favorite spot was always River Street in Savannah because it was always so lively with music and artists everywhere!
13. I am somewhat of a new dog mom! I got my little Sadie girl at the end of January! She is an Australian shepherd and the cutest little pup ever! Currently we are working at setting some boundaries! She has been running to my neighbors house all the time and if I even try to get her to come to me, she runs further! So any tips and tricks would be helpful! A shock collar is currently on it's way to my house!
14. I currently work for Gliks! Which is honestly the best company I have ever worked for! Everyone treats you like family because it is a family owned business! And with that being said, I will be working in the Frankfort store this summer, full time! I am so excited and feel so blessed that I have this opportunity! So, if you travel to Frankfort at all this summer feel free to stop in and say hi! Also, if you know of any Air Bnb's in that area I would love some recommendations! I won't be living there this summer, but I would like to stay up there once in awhile because it is just so beautiful!
15. I have four siblings and we are all 8 years apart! Well besides Jamie and I! I have my older sister Shawna, my older brother Adam and my twin sister Jamie! 4 DeKraker children! My dad is originally from the McBain area so if you've heard of my last name before, that is why! FUN FACT: Jamie and I just discovered that we have a cousin with the exact same name as my dad who lives further south! He is my age and I can't wait to meet him one day! Perks of being from a small town I guess!
16. I have a boyfriend of almost 2 YEARS! Which is also in a previous blog post so go check that out! But his name is Matt Eisenga and he is my absolute bestest friend. We are 100% real with each other and I feel so blessed that he is in my life. He is truly one of my greatest blessings!
17. I love being from Michigan! While some people may say that it is dull and boring, I am a proud Michigander! I love our lakes, all of our midwestern tendencies, and that we experience every season! I truly believe it is the best place to grow up and to raise a family of my own some day!
18. I have struggled with body positivity. While I think that everyone has at some point or another, I think it is important to address. No this isn't me fishing for compliments either. When I was younger, I was a complete stick. No curves, no nothing. Just straight up, super skinny. However, when I hit puberty I gained a lot of curvature. I even got bullied for it a time or two and got attention that I never wanted from it. I went from being super skinny to "curvy." It was a very hard transition and has been very hard for me to accept. Diabetes runs in my family and I got told that I am experiencing pre-diabetic symptoms which is never good to hear either!
I have been learning to embrace my curves and the way that God made me, but I struggle with that almost on a daily basis. However, right now, I am finding what works for my body and what does not. I will be getting a gym membership soon as well and I am very excited about it! AGAIN, this was not meant to be like a sob story, but I am just saying that everyone struggles with something and a lot of women struggle with their appearance. I am one of them. Be mindful about your words because words do hurt! But learn to embrace who you are and who God made you to be as well! Go look in the mirror and give yourself 5 compliments! Right now! On your mark, get set, go! I wanna know what you love about yourself too so post that in the comments too!
19. I have 1 grandparent left. My sweet Grandma on my mom's side. I don't get to see her a lot, but I love spending time with her when I do get to see her! She can be pretty feisty, but very kind at the same time. However, I do feel as if Matt's grandparents, on both his mom's and his dad's side, have become my own (along with the rest of his family). They have been so welcoming and loving to me and I love spending time with them. Like I said, Matt has been one of the biggest blessings in my life along with his family. I am so grateful for every single family member of his!
20. Last, BUT NOT LEAST, I love God. Honestly, this has been a lifelong struggle for me, but in the last four years I have truly gotten to see what being a Christian means and what it means to have my own personal relationship with God. I got re-baptized in 2016 and it was the best decision I have made. Being a Christian means different things to everyone, but I attend and work for a non denominational church. Within this church I have found a family and a community that I know I can trust. I consider every staff member that I have the opportunity of working with my family. Everyone at this church has blessed me with wisdom, love, and kindness. It is truly my second home, I am here all the time. This church and these people have counseled me and guided me along in my faith in all the right ways! I am so thankful to God for the experience of working here and the overflowing of blessings for the family that I have come to form within these walls.
There ya have it folks! Some interesting and fun facts about me and my life! I hope you got to know me just that much better! If I asked you to comment your tips or advice please do! And truly,

if you need a friend, I am here!
Just Jenny