Your inside look on the generation that expresses themselves loudly and bluntly written by none other than a millennial herself.
I decided I wanted to write this post due to a conversation I had with my boss. He is the generation above me, I believe, and he was talking to me about how he doesn't understand my generation's obsession with social media and taking pictures and whatnot. It's understandable because sometimes, I don't even understand it myself. However, this post is me trying to clear the air, confusion and outlook on my generation and our "obsessions."
Let's just get this out of the way right now, I am one of those people who loves to take pictures of myself, my surroundings, my friends and family, etc. Basically everything to be honest with you. Why do I love it? Honestly, I think it stemmed from my dad. He would always whip out his camcorder at every big event and record my siblings and I doing anything and everything. For the years to come, my sister and I would love watching these home videos and reliving those memories over and over again. These memories that would've otherwise been forgotten, if not recorded on video by my dad. Sadly, they are all on VCR tapes and our VCR is no longer in service and we can't watch them anymore, but I remember from watching them over and over from when we were younger. Since, the evolution of technology, my generation does the same exact thing that my dad used to do except with our phones. I don't take pictures for the validation of others even though I have been guilty of it in the past, that is not my main purpose. However, if you do that is completely fine, you do you. I take pictures for my own satisfaction. I love taking pictures of my dog, my boyfriend and whomever else because I will look back on them later and think of the time and place and memories that were made along with these photos and videos. Make fun of me and judge me all that you want, but pictures and videos are important to me because they help me to remember.
Now, for the difference between my generation and the previous media. I understand that there are so many negatives to social media: comparison, addiction, etc. But there are also so many positives to being involved and a part of social media.
Through instagram, I have met and made friends with so many people that I never would've even talked to if not through direct messaging them. In fact, as I am writing this, I just got done with a coffee date with a girl that I met and talked to through instagram. We ended up talking for like 2ish hours and hit it off right away! Obviously, discern whom you are meeting with and if it's a good idea, but I have made so many friends solely based on talking with them and meeting them through instagram.
Business Opportunities:
Through instagram, my calligraphy business has taken off. I made a separate instagram for my calligraphy and have gotten requests for custom pieces and wedding decor from people I never would've met if it weren't for instagram. I understand how this can sound sketchy with interacting with people I have never met, however, I am not going to live my life based on the "what ifs." Any time I get in my car there's a hundred what ifs so what is the difference? Shoot your shot.
Social media has allowed me to keep in contact and keep tabs on friends and family who no longer live in my hometown. And for some specific family members, it is the only way we can keep in contact by communicating on facebook, instagram, etc. You know I wish I could keep these friends and family close and under my nose 100% of the time, but life doesn't work like that. We go in different directions and we communicate in the ways we can and try our best you know?
Listen, my generation is loud, opinionated, creative, expressive, and sometimes maybe too much. However, I think it can be a good thing. I know there are negatives to everything that I have talked about, but I hope you can put yourself in my shoes and try to understand why some people do the things that we do. I'm not doing this for validation either, I am just trying to give you some insight as to why I am the way I am about certain things you know? There are some flaws about my generation 100% but the creative freedom, I believe, is the best thing to happen to people my age. We are able to be who we are and are beginning to not care about what other's think about it and yes, sometimes to a fault but overall, I know the people in my generation are definitely world changers. We are just trying to light the way for the generation after us with the best of intentions that we have. Just like the generation before ours did. We have good intentions, but we aren't perfect. I am just sick and tired of hearing people say that my generation and the one to follow are the worst, because it's not true. There are negative aspects and lessons taught from every generation, but like I said, it isn't with ill intent. They wanted what's best for us just like we want what's best for the generation to follow. Just take a step back before you judge someone for something.
I just want my generation to be known for the way that we love people, all people. That's my personal dream. To be accepted for as we are, to be loved for who we are, and to give love the way that we want to receive it.
Just Jenny
