Just a disclaimer: Don't judge a blog post by its' title because it probably isn't what you think that it is. Also, I NEVER talk about my body. I am super self conscious so I don't want to attract any attention to it. Keep that in mind before you leave a comment or anything please and thank you.
I am the kind of person who usually doesn't want to attract any attention to my body. I usually wear baggy clothes, I don't post pictures that includes showing my whole body especially anything below my chest, I don't like wearing shorts because I don't want to attract attention to my legs and if I do wear shorts just know I am super self conscious the entire time.
I used to be a twig in high school, I was super skinny. But when I hit puberty and didn't eat responsibly I started to gain weight. Also, my mom's side of the family has curvy genes and I inherited those as well. So, going from a twig to being described as "thick," "very curvy," and having an hour glass figure wasn't easy for me and I have struggled with it for years.
However, I have also recently started to fall in love with my body again. For those of you who don't know, I work in retail. With working in retail, I was basically forced into finding my style. And to help customers with finding the perfect clothing that will suit their body type, I have had to describe my body and others have had to describe my body as well. Which resulted in me being called "very curvy." The first time I heard someone describe me using those words I was so offended, embarrassed and ashamed. I immediately wanted to cover myself in baggy clothing, which I did. I would buy shirts that were extra large and stopped buying shorts and dresses or anything that revealed too much of my figure because I didn't want to be described as curvy.
People don't understand that what they say can hurt and with social media being so prevalent in my generation, people would shame curvy women. I grew up seeing magazine titles that compared women's bodies, titles that shamed having cellulite and stretch marks. For example, there was this girl who I went to school with that took a picture of another girl wearing shorts and captioned the picture "eww look at all that cellulite" and posted it to her Snapchat story for everyone to see. HOW DISGUSTING IS THAT? No, not the girl with the cellulite because it is 100% normal, but the girl who thought that it would be okay to shame another female for the way that her body looked. Why wouldn't I want to cover myself in baggy clothing so no one could make fun of my body like that?
Back to working in retail. I had to find and build my own style and with that came falling in love with clothes that really accentuated my body type. By accentuate I mean clothes that were really flattering to my curvy figure. I began to realize and accept that I would never get that twig figure back and honestly, I do not want it. The things that my body can do now were never things that my body could do when I was a twig. I work at a daycare once a week and can hold two babies at a time because of my hips, I can lift heavier objects, etc. I shouldn't have to feel like that I need to cover my body in clothes two sizes too big because God formed me to look like this. Why would I want to hide God's creation in shame and embarrassment? By the way, I am not talking about modesty or anything because that is a whole other subject. But what I am saying is that I shouldn't be scared to wear shorts or a bikini because I am beautiful dang it!
I am not shaming any body type here and neither should you honestly. We are all made in different shapes and sizes and that is 100% the way that it is supposed to be. You don't know what someone's body has been put through therefore, you have no right to judge. Social media needs to stop focusing so much on what people look like and stop focusing and being attracted to what looks perfect.
I'm not skinny. Not by any means, I have stretch marks and cellulite, and I am 100% okay with it because my curves are natural and beautiful. Stop looking at people up and down and stop comparing your body to theirs because there is no comparison. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. We were all created by God and why would we ever want to shame ourselves or others because of the way that God created them to look? I am so sick of people body shaming and telling skinny girls to go eat a burger or telling curvier girls to go for a run. It's sickening. Go tell someone they look freaking beautiful instead and see how much the world is a better place because of it. Stop hating and start loving.
So for the girl, woman, boy or man who needs to hear this...you are so beautiful and so dearly and sweetly loved. Don't ever think differently because of what someone has said that was hurtful, shameful or embarrassing. Embrace who God made you to be because He created you to be just the way you are for a specific reason/purpose.
As always, thank you for reading. Go tell someone that they look beautiful ASAP. Trust me, whomever it is you choose to compliment, needs to hear it.
Just Jenny
