I have gotten a billion in one questions about how I do my "fancy handwriting" thing and this is kind of the whole reason behind wanting to start this blog, to be honest with you. To attract more attention to my calligraphy. Sorry not sorry! I want to turn "Jenny's Calligraphy" into a business one day and honestly, social media has become the largest form of advertising ever. So therefore, I am going to take advantage of being a millennial and use it to do "adult things" like starting my own business. Anyway, I've kind of gone off topic so let's get back into it.
I started the instagram account for my calligraphy titled "Jenny's Calligraphy" on October 23rd, 2016. I was not planning on using that as a business tool, it was just another creative outlet for me. I liked "writing fancy" and taking pictures, so I combined the two. At the time it wasn't serious, it was just very dramatic cursive writing (which still needs to be taught in every school system in my opinion) with little floral designs. I liked doing it and I really didn't care if anyone followed the account or not. It was really for me and if no one liked it, it was whatever.
Well, some people from high school started following the page and would ask if I could write things for them as gifts and I said "sure, why not?!" Then they asked how much it would cost, and honestly I would've done it for free. I never really thought of the fact that I could profit from just writing cute little quotes and scripture on a piece of printer paper. I had no idea what to tell them when it came to pricing things, I was literally only charging people like $10 for a print! I had no idea what running a business meant!
Fast forward to about two years later. I wanted to go on a mission trip for Spring Break with my church at CMU and did not make enough money from my job to be able to pay for it all myself. I was trying to think of things I could make to raise money for it and then it dawned on me! I could charge for prints! Just regular prints on cardstock paper $10 for regular and $15 for framed. It boomed! I kid you not. I had to get a notebook to write down what people wanted and I ended up being able to fund my whole mission trip by selling my work. It was so cool to me that people wanted my work hanging in their homes.
After I returned from my mission trip I realized that this could really turn into a business, but I would have to take it more seriously and take myself more seriously because I literally was asking God "is this a joke," all the time. I bought some hand lettering books and practice workbooks to help me really perfect my style of writing. Tried out different pens, colors and paper, etc. I went to a women's expo a couple months later and I only brought my sketchbook of my work that I had done and no one bought a thing...I was so upset and disheartened, but honestly, I wasn't prepared well for my first "expo" at all. So it became a learning experience that I had to try not to dwell on too much. Failing is all a part of the process. "Fall seven times, stand up eight."
When I moved back home is when it started to pick up. I was writing on the chalkboard signs at my job, I made a photo backdrop/wall for a grad party (it was flippin huge like 7 ft tall), I began writing on wood, etc. Then...I received a message one day from a friend from church. She had told me that she gave my phone number to a friend of hers who was getting married soon and needed someone to make her seating chart and table placements for her. I was flipping out..internally I was screaming! The woman had messaged me shortly after I received the message from my friend. We got all of the details figured out and priced it all out and I got to work! Mind you, I have never ever done anything as serious and exciting as a wedding before. I was so stoked, but so so so scared at the same time.
The woman, Jordan, lived an hour or so away from me and I had never met her before so I thought it was a good idea for me to drive up and meet with her and get some coffee so we could really give life to her vision! She was the cutest client I had ever worked with. She literally gave me a folder with my name labeled onto it and pictures and directions of exactly what she wanted! Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with notebooks, pens, paper, sticky notes, anything that has to do with organization basically (however, if you've ever seen my bedroom you will probably disagree). She was sweet and kind and we really clicked right away. She sent me home with a couple of chalkboard signs and the little wood slabs for her table placements and then we ran into a problem...the seating chart was too big to fit into my car! It was so tall! Almost as tall as Matt (6'4) I think! Therefore, it would be delivered to me by our mutual friend, Abby, when she came home for Thanksgiving so problem solved!
That seating chart was my baby you guys...I literally protected it with my life! It was so big that I literally had to ask my dad for help because I wanted to measure it out section by section so I would run into no problems whatsoever. I knew that this project would be make or break for this business that I wanted to start so believe me when I say, I was so scared to actually write on it. However, when I did, it came out basically exactly how Jordan and I pictured it would! While some mistakes were made, they weren't noticeable. My art teacher always told me that you can always turn your mistakes into something and I have etched that into my brain for year. With this project, I had some late nights, early mornings and some all nighters, but overall I would not trade those mornings and nights for anything. From being the calligrapher for Jordan's wedding, I learned so so so much. And I am so grateful to Jordan for allowing me to be her calligrapher because that project has helped jumpstart some new dreams within this business. I will include the photos that were taken of my work.

I really have found that I have such a passion for weddings. I love giving life to the Bride and Grooms dreams and visions for their special day! I mean, who wouldn't want to be a part of that? And I owe it all to Jordan for giving me a chance and helping me with my business ideas and connections.
I am currently working on three different projects, talking with more potential clients on their weddings and collaborating with other businesses! And if it weren't for social media, none of this would have been possible! Yes there are downfalls, but I am so blessed to be learning the business side of it and am really benefitting from it. I am so thankful for those around me who have supported me, especially my family and Matt. Matt has really pushed me to go further with this and I am so thankful for his support. Surround yourself with those kind of people. The ones who will push you and dare you to dream and will support you through it all.
With all of that being said, if there is anyone you know who is getting married and needs a calligrapher please share my information with them! Or if you want help with some home decor or someone you know does, I would love to be a part of that as well! Just shoot me a message and text and call if you have my number.
Once again, thank you for reading!
Just Jenny